Postdoctoral Fellow in Education
Laboratory for Educational Innovation Research
Moscow, Russia
Laboratory for Educational Innovation Research, Institute of Education,HSE University, Russia, invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of Education.
About the Institute of Education
Institute of Education is a leading Russian think tank and center for research, training and professional networking in education with extended international partnership. Institute of Education is also a holder of unique high-quality databases on different levels of education in Russia that are gathered by its research centers and laboratories.
About the Laboratory for Educational Innovation Research
The Laboratory for Educational Innovation Research carries out comprehensive studies in the area of the formation, development, and transformation of the educational innovations’ ecosystem, the diffusion of innovative practices at the micro, meso, and macro levels with the focus on the emergence of innovative growth points. The survival of innovations and their penetration into traditional educational organizations are of particular interest. An important feature of the Laboratory's work is close interaction with the Russian innovation community, innovation support funds, and active participation in the organization of educational competitions and accelerators, which provides an extensive empirical database and suggests the possibility of conducting field research and data collection.
The laboratory's arsenal of research methods involves a set of sociological methods, including quantitative (multivariate regression data analysis, self-diagnostic tools - TRI, Innova, SAMR) and qualitative (semi-structured interviews, focus groups, foresight sessions), as well as methods of semantic and ontological analysis, big data analytics, network theory tools and a block of strategic analysis tools.
The main research questions that the Laboratory is addressing include:
- The innovative potential of the educational space participants in a changing world: the problems of education actors’ agency, the issues of identifying their motivations, attitudes, socio-cultural values, and thinking style concerning innovation.
- Institutional design and landscape of the educational system: the emergence of new niches in the educational market, the emergence of new, non-systemic actors, their competitive strategies, and their role in the development of national and regional innovative educational environment.
- Transformation of education and harmonization of top-down and grass-roots innovations: the path of the innovator, the policy of working with bottom-up innovations and support of educational start-ups and grassroots innovations
- Change management in educational organizations: cross-sectional studies of organizational profiles, expertise, and self-diagnosis tools for digital and innovative transformation in organizations.
Name and description of the research project
Educational change: trend analysis and forecasting education development scenarios.
The tasks of the project include:
- building an explanatory model of transformational shifts in education in conjunction with innovations;
- adapting tools for monitoring trends in education;
- developing approaches for analyzing the consistency of top-down and bottom-up innovation processes;
- forming trend books and road maps for the education development.
We welcome foreign researchers interested in applying their expertise to research on the topics of our Laboratory and actively disseminating their results in the scientific community for cooperation, as well as interacting with the expert community and performing the tasks of expertise and consulting. We support an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the educational ecosystem and encourage developing new tools based on sociological, economic, and cultural-anthropological approaches to our research problems.
The general requirements for the postdoctoral fellowship positions are the following:
- Candidates must hold a recent PhD degree in Education, or related fields, which was awarded over the last 5 years or received before starting work at HSE University by an internationally recognized university and has been assessed by external reviewers as having the potential to pursue research that is publishable in leading peer-reviewed journals;
- We welcome researchers interested in applying their expertise to research on the topics of our Laboratory.
- The candidate must have a strong track record of successfully doing research within the areas the Laboratory is focusing on.;
- Knowledge of Russian is not required as research and other activities are conducted in English. Therefore, fluent English is obligatory.
The position involves:
- working under the direct supervision of Dr. Diana Koroleva, Director of the Laboratory;
- participants are encouraged to work on research projects of the Laboratory along with pursuing their own research;
- writing research papers for international peer-reviewed journals in co-authorship with the members of the Laboratory;
- participation in the events of the Laboratory and other contribution to the Laboratory’s development;
- public presentations of candidate’s own research to the academic community;
- some teaching is encouraged, though not required;
- place of work: Moscow, Russia.
Appointments are made for one year. Postdoctoral fellows have high opportunity of renewal of the contract in case of outstanding performance.
HSE University offers postdoctoral fellows a competitive salary, the standard medical insurance plan, a working space equipped with a computer and free Internet access at the University.
Application Process
Applications must be written in English and submitted online. Please provide a CV, a statement of research interest, a publication list, and a recent research paper via an online application form. At least two letters of recommendation should be sent directly to the International Faculty Recruitment Office at before the application deadline. Please note that direct applications to the hiring Laboratory may not be reviewed.
Read more about the application process here.
The deadline for the applications is January 31, 2022.
For more information:
- about Postdoctoral Fellowship - Frequently Asked Questions;
- about HSE university – official web-site;
- about the Laboratory for Educational Innovation Research – official website of the Laboratory;
- Main contact person of the Laboratory for Educational Innovation Research is: Dr. Diana Koroleva – director of the Laboratory;
- about international specialists' life in Moscow - International Faculty Support .
If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact the International Faculty Recruitment Office at
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