Postdoctoral Fellow in the Interdisciplinary Field of Social & Cognitive Informatics
HSE University
International Laboratory for Social and Cognitive Informatics (the successor of the Laboratory for Internet Studies)
St. Petersburg, Russia
The Higher School of Economics International Laboratory for Social and Cognitive Informatics in St. Petersburg, Russia, invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the interdisciplinary field of social & cognitive informatics.
The general requirements for the postdoctoral fellowship positions are the following:
● Candidates must hold a recent PhD in such fields as: mathematics, computer science, cognitive science or social science with strong quantitative focus (sociology, psychology, communication, linguistics). The PhD must be received no later than 5 years ago but prior to starting employment at HSE by an internationally recognized university and have been assessed by external reviewers as having the potential to pursue research that is publishable in leading peer-reviewed journals;
● Candidates should have a strong background either in mathematical modeling/ machine learning OR in research design and its application in the sphere of computational social science/ computational & experimental linguistics/ experimental cognitive science & psychology; ability to work in team/ conduct research/ develop scripts;
● Fluent English is an obligatory condition as research and other activities are conducted in English. Knowledge of Russian is not required.
The position involves:
- working under the direct supervision of Dr. Elena (Olessia) Koltsova;
- pursuing research in one of the Laboratory’s research projects in one of several broad areas:
o mathematical modeling and algorithm development for textual content analysis;
o computational linguistics and machine learning for automatic text analysis;
o cognitive and sociological experiments and surveys, including online-based and based on eye-tracking technologies;
o user behavior analysis applying approaches from sociology, psychology, or related social science subfields with strong quantitative focus.
- writing research papers for international peer-reviewed journals in co-authorship with the members of the Lab;
- participation in the events of the Lab and other contribution to the Lab’s development;
- public presentations of the candidate’s research to the academic community;
- some teaching is encouraged, although not required.
Appointments are made for one year. Postdoctoral fellows have high opportunity of renewal of the contract (no more than two times) in case of outstanding performance.
HSE University offers postdoctoral fellows a competitive salary, the standard medical insurance plan; a working space equipped with a computer and free Internet access at the University.
The Lab offers access to its large databases of Internet data and its analytical software.
Application Process
Applications must be submitted online. Please provide a CV, a statement of research interest and a recent research paper submitted via the online application form. At least two letters of recommendation should be sent directly to the International Faculty Recruitment Office at before the application deadline. Please note that direct applications to the hiring laboratory may not be reviewed.
Read more about the application process here.
The deadline for the applications is January 31, 2023
For more information:
- about Postdoctoral Fellowship -Frequently Asked Questions;
- about HSE university –official web-site;
- about the Laboratory – visit official web-site of the Laboratory or contact Dr. Olessia Koltsova directly (or the Lab’s manager);
- about international specialists' life in Moscow – International Faculty Support .
If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact the International Faculty Recruitment Office at
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