Institute of Education (Moscow). Postdoctoral research positions. Deadline: March 25, 2014
The Institute of Education of Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia) invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of longitudinal studies.
The Centre of Cultural Sociology and Anthropology of Education manages the Russian Longitudinal Panel Study of Educational and Occupational Trajectories which includes one national and several regional cohort panels of school and university students. The national panel is based on TIMSS 2011 8th grade sample, which was followed by 2 longitudinal waves and PISA 2012 testing. The Center operates under the direct supervision of Dmitry Kurakin.
The job includes:
- implementation of system of longitudinal and cross-sectional weights for cohort panel data
- organization of script based data quality check
- participants are encouraged to pursue their own research topic using the longitudinal data of the Panel Study, preferably in one of the following areas:
- sociology of education
- life-course analysis
- educational and career pathways
- event-history analysis
- writing research papers for international peer-reviewed journals in co-authorship with the members of the centre
The Centre offers access to its databases and analytical software.
- a PhD from an international research university in such fields of social science as: methodology of social research, sociology, applied statistics, economics, educational policy
- a strong background in data processing and data analysis, scripting skills
- ability to work in a team
- fluent English
- relevant experience is an asset although not required
General conditions for Post-Doctoral Research positions at HSE can be found here. Appointments will be normally made for one year.
A CV, research statement and two letters of recommendation should be sent to by March 25, 2014.
The HSE is a young, dynamic, fast-growing Russian research university providing unique research opportunities.
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