Institute of Education (Moscow). Postdoctoral research positions. Deadline: March 25, 2014
The Institute of Education of Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia) invites applications for post-doctoral research positions in the fields of educational science, and, in particular, in project- and problem-based learning, MOOCs and blended-learning.
The Centre of Instructional Design and Competencies Development conducting research, consulting and applied solutions in the field of educational science and instructional design under the direct supervision of Dr. Oleg Podolskiy seeks to hire post-doctoral fellows who would be able to combine the successful pursuit of publication of world-class academic research with the application of instructional design and the delivery of efficient learning technologies.
Successful candidate is expected to:
- Conduct research in the field of Blended-, Problem- and Project-based learning, Individual learning strategies within existing and new Master programs,
- Design new Master programs and re-design the existing ones,
- Perform the needs assessment, plan and implement new Instructional technologies,
- Provide field-specific teaching,
- Write hot-topic research papers for international peer-reviewed journals in co-authorship with the members of the centre.
The Centre offers a competitive salary and great opportunities:
- to join a team of professionals,
- to meet and work with world-known experts in the field of Education, Psychology and Economics,
- to develop professional and personal potential
- PhD in the related field of Instructional Design, Educational Sciences, Psychology, HR, Training & Development or similar,
- a strong background in practice of Instructional Design, usage and research of Educational Technologies, and
- publications related to subject matter,
- fluent English,
- ability to work under pressure and cope with challenges.
- willingness to set and achieve goals relevant to the area of research.
General conditions for Post-Doctoral Research positions at HSE can be found here. Appointments will be made for one year with an opportunity for contract extension.
A CV, motivational research statement and two letters of recommendation should be sent to by March 25, 2014.
The HSE is a young, dynamic, fast-growing Russian research university providing unique research opportunities.
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