International Laboratory for Educational Policy Research (Moscow). Postdoctoral research positions. Deadline: March 25, 2014
The Higher School of Economics International Laboratory for Educational Policy Research in Moscow, Russia ( invites applications for postdoctoral research positions to work on projects devoted to the research of factors affecting students’ academic achievements (based on Russian and international research data).
Field of Study:
Qualitative and quantitative research in education (experimental and cross-sectional research), Quality of education, statistical data analysis.
Subject Research Area:
Factors affecting educational outcomes
The Lab is headed by Prof. Martin Carnoy, scientific advisor of the research team.
The candidate is supposed to be involved in work on two major directions:
- In 2012 a PISA research was held on the TIMSS sample. The research was accompanied by a specially designed toolset for teachers and extra questionnaires for students. Additional information on schools was collected as well. Roughly 4000 students took part in it. The analyses of PISA data disclosure will give a possibility to answer a series of questions explaining students’ academic achievements, especially PISA – TIMSS scores gap. This project is unique as it has no analogues in the world.
- A Post-Doc candidate is expected to work in team on analyzing international and Russian educational quality research data. The project may include participation in all the stages of research development from research designing and working out of instruments to data analysis and preparation of publications.
A Post-Doc candidate is also expected to teach courses in different fields e.g. Large Scale Assessment, Longitudinal data Analysis, National Assessment or Monitoring of Educational Achievements, prepare publications on educational topic and policy reviews.
- a PhD from an international research university in such fields of social science as: education measurement, psychology, psychometrics, quality of education;
- ability to work in a team;
- fluent English;
- relevant experience is an asset although not required.
General conditions for Post-Doctoral Research positions can be found here. Appointments will be normally made for one year.
A CV, research statement and two letters of recommendation should be sent to by March 25, 2014.
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