Faculty of Economics
Position: Assistant Professor, or higher
Deadline: December 7, 2014
Reference number ECO015
The Faculty of Economics at the St. Petersburg Campus of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) invites applications for the position(s) of Assistant (or Associate) Professor in Economics(full-time, tenure-track). The Faculty welcomes applications in all areas of economics from applicants with a strong record of research, but has particular interest in strengthening in the following areas: international economics; financial economics; urban economics; public sector economics; and health economics.
The HSE is an ambitious, dynamic and internationally oriented Russian research university committed to entering the top 100 global universities and therefore providing unique academic opportunities for its staff. The St Petersburg campus is developing rapidly: it has a growing core of international permanent and visiting faculty, provides for a vibrant multi and interdisciplinary research environment, offers courses and degree programmes in English and in 2016 will be relocating to a new, centrally located, purpose built campus.
St. Petersburg itself has a rich cultural and social life and offers a comfortable, safe and engaging living environment for international scholars.
Employment conditions:
- Internationally competitive compensation package, 13% flat income tax rate and other benefits
- Emphasis on producing high quality research outputs
- Generous travel support grants provided by the university’s Centre for Advanced Studies.
- Light teaching load
- Recent Ph.D. in Economics or related field
- Fluent English (knowledge of Russian is not required)
- A proven potential for conducting high-quality empirical, comparative or interdisciplinary research, resulting in internationally peer-reviewed publication
Generally appointments will be made for an initial three-year period and upon successful completion of an interim review, contracts would normally be extended for a further three years until the tenure review.
Please provide an up-to-date CV, a statement of research interest and a recent research paper via the online application form. At least 2 letters of reference should be forwarded directly to the attention of the CAS Academic Supervisor Martin Gilman at cas@hse.ru no later than December 7, 2014.
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