Comparative Studies of Russian Industries and Firms (Institute for Industrial and Market Studies)
Postdoctoral research positions. Deadline: April 1, 2015
The Higher School of Economics Institute for Industrial and Market Studies (IIMS) in Moscow, Russia invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of quantitative data-driven research of different aspects of competitiveness of Russian industries and firms.
The Institute has been conducting several survey-based projects on the issue since 2003 and the empirical databases will be available for scholars. In 2014 the IIMS has collected survey data for 2000 Russian manufacturing firms in accordance with the methodology of the European project “European Firms in a Global Economy”. The Institute would be interested in researchers to participate in comparative studies of Russian and European manufacturing industries and patterns of firms’ behavior.
The job involves:
- working under the direct supervision of Prof. Boris Kuznetsov
- participants are encouraged to pursue their own research in parallel with working on the current IIMS project of monitoring the level and factors of local and global competitiveness of Russian manufacturing firms in the following broad areas:
- comparative analysis of industries in Russia and other countries focusing on organizational structures, measures of heterogeneity, involvement in foreign trade, etc.;
- studies on different factors of firms’ competitiveness, including both internal factors (ownership structure, managerial practices, financial strategies, etc.) and external factors (industry or location specific factors, institutional environment and others).
- writing research papers for international peer-reviewed journals in co-authorship with the members of the Lab
- some teaching as well as public presentations of candidate’s own research are also encouraged
- participation in organization of the events and other contribution to the Lab’s development
The IIMS offers access to its databases and analytical software, as well as mathematical modeling, software development and data processing support.
- a PhD from an international research university in relevant fields of economics, management, political science;
- a background in data processing and data analysis is a strong advantage;
- ability to work in a team;
- fluent English;
- relevant experience of working with firm-level data is an asset although not required.
General conditions for Post-Doctoral Research positions can be found here (link to the HSE generic ad here). Appointments will be normally made for one year.
Please apply via online application form and attach you CV and research statement. Two letters of recommendations should be sent directly to by April 1, 2015.
The HSE is a young, dynamic, fast-growing Russian research university providing unique research opportunities. The IIMS is one of the first research institutes that have been established at the HSE. The Institute focuses on the empirical analysis of enterprise behavior and market development, as well as on the study of Russia’s business climate, competition policy, and state-business relations in the country. A key advantage of IIMS compared to traditional Russian research organizations in the social sciences is the creation of an extended empirical database, which is kept permanently updated with the help of regular Russian enterprises surveys carried out by the Higher School of Economics.
Selected papers of IIMS staff in the field of empirical research of firms’ competitiveness:
- Gonchar Ksenia, Bessonova Evguenia. Bypassing weak institutions in a large late-comer economy // Journal of Institutional Economics. 2015
- Gonchar K. R. Actions and Reactions of Russian Manufacturing Companies to the Crisis Shocks from 2008 – 2009: Evidence from the Empirical Survey, in: Transition Economies after 2008. Responses to the crisis in Russia and Eastern Europe. Routledge, 2014. P. 140-160. (в печати)
- Gonchar K. R., Marek P. The regional distribution of foreign investment in Russia. Are Russians more appealing to multinationals as consumers or as natural resource holders? // Economics of Transition. 2014. Vol. 22. No. 4. P. 605-634.
- Golikova V., Gonchar K., Kuznetsov B. “Does international trade provide incentives for efficient behaviour of Russian manufacturing firms?//Post-Communist Economies. -2012. -Т. 12, № 2. -P. 277-289.
- Kuznetsov B., Dolgopyatova T., Golikova V., Gonchar K., Yakovlev A., Yasin E.
- Russian manufacturing revisited: industrial enterprises at the start of the crisis // Post - Soviet Affairs. -2011.- Vol. 27, № 4. -P. 366-386.
- Golikova V., Gonchar K. R., Kuznetsov B. V. The effect of internationalization on innovation in the manufacturing sector / Working papers by University of Barselona. Series WP4 "SEARCH Working Paper". 2013. No. WP4/04.
- Golikova V., Gonchar K. R., Kuznetsov B. V. Does international trade provide incentives for efficient behaviour of Russian manufacturing firms? // Post-Communist Economies. 2012. Vol. 24. No. 2. P. 277-289.
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