Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroenhancement
Postdoctoral research positions. Deadline: April 15, 2015
The School of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences at Higher School of Economics (HSE, Moscow), Russia invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroenhancement.
The job involves:
- working under the direct supervision of Prof. Matteo Feurra
- participants are encouraged to pursue their own research in parallel with working at the Centre for Cognition and Decision Making (CDM) by carrying on research projects in two broad areas:
- Motor Learning and Motor Control (e.g. action observation, motor imagery, grasping action processes and cortical motor mapping, sensory-motor integration in cognitive functions)
- Neurocognitive structure of human memory and executive control with a focus on working and long-term memory processes (e.g. recognition memory processes, episodic memory short term memory).
- writing research papers for international peer-reviewed journals in co-authorship with the members of the Lab
- some teaching as well as public presentations of candidate’s own research are also encouraged
- participation in organization of the events and other contribution to the Lab’s development
The Lab offers access to Multichannel EEG system (128-channel EEG BRAINAMP DC), eye-tracking (Eye-tracker SMI RED), 2 TMS Magventure (MagPro X100) with neuronavigation, two Transcranial Electrical Stimulation systems by Enobio Starstim and by EMS Brainstim and access to MEG.
- a PhD from an international research university on the field as: psychology, cognitive neuroscience, neurology, neurophysiology
- strong background in data processing and data analysis, including classical statistics, SPSS, and scripting skills
- ability to work in a team,
- fluent English
- experience with Brain Stimulation and/or EEG
- high motivation to conduct high-quality research publishable in quality international peer-reviewed journals
General conditions for Post-Doctoral Research positions can be found here. Appointments will be normally made for one year with a possibility of extension in certain cases (to be further determined in cooperation with the director of the lab or research center).
Please apply via online application form and attach you CV and research statement. Two letters of recommendations should be sent directly to by April 15, 2015.
The HSE is a young, dynamic, fast-growing Russian research university providing unique research opportunities.
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