ISSA Laboratory
Postdoctoral research positions. Deadline: April 1, 2015
Laboratory for Intelligent Systems and Structural Analysis at National Research University Higher School of Economics (ISSA) in Moscow invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the fields of knowledge discovery, text mining and computational logic.
The job involves:
- Working under the direct supervision of prof. Sergei Kuznetsov;
- Participation in research projects of ISSA in the following directions: knowledge discovery, Formal Concept Analysis, text mining, computational logic, medical informatics;
- Writing research papers for international peer-reviewed journals in co-authorship with the members of the ISSA Lab;
- Teaching within master and PhD programs related to ISSA Lab is encouraged;
- Participation in organization of scientific and educational events run by ISSA Lab.
- A solid background in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, or Data Science.
- Strong background in at least some of the following fields: (1) algorithms and data structures; (2) machine learning and data mining; (3) computational linguistics and text mining; (4) computational logic; (4) medical informatics;
- Good communicative skills in English, both in speaking and in writing;
- Candidates are expected to realize research ideas in terms of prototype software, so software development skills are needed.
General conditions for Post-Doctoral Research positions can be found here. The contract would start on September 2015.
Please apply via online application form and attach you CV and research statement. Two letters of recommendations, motivational letter and copies of diplomas should be sent directly to by April 1, 2015.
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