Center for Institutional Studies (CInSt)
Postdoctoral research positions. Deadline: April 1, 2016
The Higher School of Economics, the Center for Institutional Studies (CInSt) invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of institutions and economic performance.
Cints has access to rich longitudinal micro data sets of Russian individuals and households. In particular, we have data on anthropometric data and other predetermined biological characteristics (for example, measured 2D:4D ratio). Moreover, data sets consist of information about important individual characteristics such as trust, attitudes towards economic regulation, corruption, law, attitudes towards free trade and migrants, etc. All of these characteristic may be linked to detailed information about individual socio-economic status, health, diet, life style, household detailed expenditures and living conditions. Identifiers of place of living allow incorporating city/village infrastructure and other regional characteristics.
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