International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID)
Postdoctoral research positions. Deadline: April 1, 2016
The International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID) at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the fields of institutional economics, comparative politics or social & legal studies with a special focus on legal community, predatory and violent behavior of state agencies and collective actions (especially legal mobilization).
More than 20 years after the beginning of economic transition the problem of the independence of courts, development of the legal community and estimation of the quality of the law enforcement system remained topical and important for Russia. In 2014 ICSID researchers finished a pilot project examining the demand for collective actions of attorneys with different ethical standards and attitudes to client rights violations. The project was based on a survey of 372 attorneys in 9 regions of Russia. In 2015 researchers of ICSID finished a representative survey of 3,317 advocates in 35 regions of Russia. The survey was conducted on the basis of a formalized questionnaire distributed through regional branches of the Federal Chamber of Attorneys of Russia. Topics include:access and demand for attorneys with different specialization in Russian regions, lawyers’ estimations of the quality of work of different law enforcement agencies, professional ethics of attorneys and legal education, collective action in the legal profession, etc. Successful candidates will participate in ongoing research on these topicsat ICSID. Candidates whose research contains a comparative perspective or focuses on other contexts than Russia are also encouraged to apply.
The HSE is a young, dynamic, fast-growing Russian research university providing unique research opportunities ( Five years ago, the HSE started an ambitious program to create international research laboratories headed jointly by Russian and foreign scholars. As one of these laboratories, the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID) brings together leading Russian and foreign experts to conduct cutting edge research on the institutional foundations of growth and development.
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