Department of Public Policy
Postdoctoral research positions. Deadline: April 1, 2016
The Higher School of Economics Department of Public Policy in Moscow, Russia invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of Public Policy. We further encourage the submission of the applications from the background of Management and Economics as Public Policy Department is a dynamic and growing cross- disciplinary academic engagement for both education and research where we intend to further strengthen the sector of institutions and development.
The job involves:
· workingunder the direct supervision of the department head, professor Nina Belyaeva
· participants are encouraged to pursue their own research in parallel with working onPublic Policy Department research projects in 5broad areas:
- Global Governance and Global Participation (e.g. Global Citizenship, Global Education, challenges to theory of social movements and theory of civil society, development of theory of “protest publics”, global actors and their impact on global public policy etc.);
- Global Governance and RegulatoryRegimes (e.g. public policy mechanisms and instruments, like soft law and soft power, multilevel regulatory regimes and changing role of nation states, international and local conflicts management etc.);
- Analytical Communities as Policy Actors (e.g. analytical communities as policy makers at national and global levels, comparing policy advisory systems and the roles analysts play in them, challenges to the theory of “policy advisory system”, existing explanatory models and new trends in assessing policy impact of analytical communities, boundary organizations, boundary work and hybrid management, knowledge-based governance, role of epistemic communities in policy design in non-democratic states etc.)
- Actors of Policy Changes (e.g. “protest publics”, think tanks, EU etc., assessing their impact and role in the mechanism of political changes).
- Institutions and Development (e.g. the mechanism and system specialization on the Developmental economics, welfare economics with special emphasis on the cross disciplinary approach with management and administrative tools in optimization of the Institutions effectiveness, Trajectory of knowledge economy and innovation based growth pattern. Comparative analysis and the customized research interest in the Policy centric issues with the background in Economics and Management.
The Lab offers access to its databases and analytical software.
- a PhD from an international research university in such fields as: public policy and public administration, economics, sociology, political science; and subfields as: Public Policy, Comparative Public Policy, Public Policy Analysis, Human Rights, Democratic Governance, Global Public Policy, Global Governance, Soft Law and Regulatory Governance, Political Economy; Economics, Ethics and Society, Conflict Management.
- a strong background in data processing and data analysis, including classical statistics, qualitative and quantitative methods
- ability to work in a team,
- fluent English
- relevant experience is an asset although not required
Apply now
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