Postdoctoral Fellow in Curriculum Studies
Laboratory for Curriculum Design
HSE University
Moscow, Russia
Laboratory for Curriculum Design in Moscow, Russia, invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of curriculum studies.
The Higher School of Economics (HSE University) is a young, dynamic and fast-growing Russian research university. Over the past 25 years, HSE University has become a leader in Russian education, while also being recognized globally.
For instance, we were the first state-run university in Russia to begin recruiting on the international academic market. We aim at being a university with a highly attuned approach to training new professionals. Therefore, we are eager to hire people with real experience, as well as basic and applied knowledge. Committed to high-quality research, HSE University now has more than 100 research institutes and centres and over 30 international research laboratories collaborating with international specialists from all over the world.
About our Lab
The Laboratory for Curriculum Design is focused on the research of educational content and curriculum models. We are interested in the connections between the demands of society and the labor market and organization of knowledge and skills within the educational process. We are looking for researchers who are willing to pose research questions in the field of curriculum study on the intersection between fundamental theoretical questions, which are at the same time important for the practical transformation of the content of education (in particular, participation in the initiatives of government agencies, international organizations and private initiatives)
Among the questions that we are addressing:
- Epistemological and sociological underpinnings of school knowledge and curriculum
- Selection and justification of the inclusion/exclusion of certain elements in the curriculum.
- Interrelations between formal and informal transmission of knowledge
- Contemporary models of curriculum and curriculum design and ways of their implementation
- Comparative studies of international education systems and respective changes in the educational content.
The general requirements for the postdoctoral fellowship positions are the following:
- Candidates must hold a recent PhD in the field of education, philosophy of education, and sociology of education or related areas which was awarded over the last 5 years or received before starting work at HSE in a relevant field by an internationally recognized university and has been assessed by external reviewers as having the potential to pursue research that is publishable in leading peer-reviewed journals;
- Candidates should have a strong background in curriculum theory, philosophy of education or sociology of knowledge, ability to conduct research and analyze different types of curriculum and identify their assumptions and effects
- Fluent English is an obligatory condition as research and other activities are conducted in English. Knowledge of Russian is not required;
- Relevant experience will be an asset although not required.
The position involves:
- working under the direct supervision of Taras Pashchenko, Head of The Lab for Curriculum Design;
- participants are encouraged to pursue their own research along with working on Laboratory for Curriculum Design research projects such as:
- Curriculum Development for Social Studies;
- Concept-based learning and Big Ideas as the foundation of curriculum design;
- writing research papers for international peer-reviewed journals in co-authorship with the members of Laboratory for Curriculum Design;
- participation in the events of the Laboratory for Curriculum Design and Institute of Education and other contribution to the Laboratory for Curriculum Design development;
- public presentations of candidate’s own research to the academic community;
- some teaching is encouraged, though not required.
Appointments are normally made for one year. Postdoctoral fellows have an opportunity of renewal of the contract (no more than two times).
HSE University offers postdoctoral fellows a competitive salary, the standard medical insurance plan, a working space equipped with a computer and free Internet access at the University.
Application Process
Applications must be submitted online. Please provide a CV, a statement of research interest and a recent research paper submitted via an online application form. At least two letters of recommendation should be sent directly to the International Faculty Recruitment Office at before the application deadline. Please note that direct applications to the Laboratory for Curriculum Design may not be reviewed.
Read more about the application process here.
The deadline for the applications is February 9, 2020.
For more information:
- about Postdoctoral Fellowship - Frequently Asked Questions
- about HSE university – official web-site
- about the Laboratory for Curriculum Design – contact Head of the Laboratory, Taras Pashchenko directly
- about international specialists' life in Moscow - International Faculty Support page
If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact the International Faculty Recruitment Office at
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