“Toward a More Perfect Union”: Dr. Pietro Shakarian on Anastas Mikoyan's nationality policy reform in the USSR
On December 2, Dr. Pietro Shakarian presented his paper “Toward a More Perfect Union? Anastas Mikoyan and Nationality Policy Reform in the USSR, 1954–1964” about the role of A. Mikoyan in the formation of Soviet national policy after the death of Stalin in the framework of the research seminar held by the Center for Historical Research and the Department of History.
Working at the Center for Historical Research in the pandemic: Nadezhda Tikhonova and Xenia Cherkaev share their experience
Research fellows Nadezhda Tikhonova, Candidate of Sciences in History of Asian and African countries, and Xenia Cherkaev, PhD in Anthropology, who have been recruited for postdoctoral positions in framework of the postdoctoral programs of HSE, will continue their work at the Center for Historical Research in the 2021/2022 academic year. Xenia and Nadezhda shared their experience after the first work year at HSE – St. Petersburg.