Cognitive Control, Communication and Perception Group
The Higher School of Economics Centre for Cognition & Decision Making (Moscow) invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in cognitive neuroscience and psychology.
Higher School of Economics (HSE, Moscow) is pleased to announce a new post-doctoral post at The Cognitive Control, Communication and Perception Group. The postholder will have an advantage of being able to further define and expand the laboratory’s research programme. Potential topics include (but are not limited to): neural dynamics of language comprehension and production, automaticity and top-down control in communication, sensory-motor integration in cognitive functions, embodied cognition, neurocognitive bases of numeracy, interactions between domain-specific and domain-general cognitive systems, neurobiological mechanisms of language acquisition, studies of communication deficits (e.g. aphasia) etc.
The Laboratory is a structural part of the HSE’s Centre for Cognition & Decision Making with ample collaboration opportunities within the Centre with other research groups, both within Russia and internationally. Research facilities include multi-channel EEG, navigated TMS-EEG, behavioral and eye-tracking equipment, as well as local access to MEG, fMRI and a range of neurological populations. This new international lab operates in tight collaboration with the Centre of Functionally Integrative Neuroscience at Aarhus University (Denmark), Psychology Department at Northumbria University Newcastle (UK), and other international collaborators.
About HSE
Higher School of Economics is a young, dynamic and fast-growing research-intensive university providing unique research opportunities. The School of Psychology is committed to developing various areas of modern experimental psychology and, most crucially, Cognitive Neuroscience.
Working conditions:
· Access to multimodal neuroimaging facilities (brain-navigated TMS, multi-channel EGG, MEG, eye-tracking, etc.). More information here: School of Psychology.
· Internationally competitive salary
· Low teaching load, minimal administrative service required
· Heavy emphasis on high quality research
· Ph.D. in psychology, cognitive neuroscience, language sciences or related fields
· Fluent English (knowledge of Russian is not required)
· Demonstrated ability and high motivation to conduct high-quality research publishable in quality international peer-reviewed journals
General conditions for Post-Doctoral Research positions can be found here. Appointments will be normally made for one year.
A CV and research statement should be submitted via online application form and two letters of recommendation should be submitted by the referees directly to by February 15, 2018. Please note that direct applications to the hiring laboratory may not be reviewed.
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