Institute for Industrial and Market Studies
The Institute for Industrial and Market Studies at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia, invites applications for a postdoctoral research position in the field of State-Business relations.
State-Business relations is a dynamically developing field in the Post-Soviet countries. Public Procurement and Public-Private Partnership is a particular case of such relations, which regulation has been actively modified in Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan in the last decade. The current project involves studying incentives and barriers of effective state-business relations of different forms, as well as the impact of the quality of regional institutions and regional elites on the effectiveness of such relations. The IIMS mostly focuses on empirical studies of State-Business relations in the Post-Soviet countries, while theoretical research is also encouraged. A successful candidate is free to join already existing projects or pursue a new research agenda of mutual interest.
The responsibilities attached to the position include:
- working in a research group with Prof. Andrei Yakovlev, Prof. Svetlana Avdasheva, Dr. Andrey Tkachenko;
- postdoctoral fellows are encouraged to pursue their own research in parallel with working on IIMS's research projects in three broad areas:
o Empirical research of the effectiveness of state-business relations using available data;
o Laboratory as well as field (online) experiments concerning different forms of interactions between government and business.
o Theoretical modelling of state-business relations from the perspective of incentives and information;
- writing research papers for international peer-reviewed journals with affiliation to the IIMS;
- some methodological classes as well as presentations of the candidate’s own research to researchers in the field are also encouraged;
- participation in organization of the events and other contribution to the Institute’s development.
The Institute offers access to its databases, analytical software and methodological support. Members of the Institute have significant experience of empirical analysis ofstate-business relations as well as conducting survey and online-experiments with firms and public organizations in Russia. The IIMS has databases on population ofPublic procurement contracts in Russia during 2011-2018, population of public and private firms’ information since 2010 with a wide spectrum of financial and corporate information, information about economic, political and social development in the Russian regions as well as information about Russian regional and federal elites. Members of Institute also supervise the fourth round of representative survey of manufacturing enterprises in Russia and have full access to the results of all previous rounds ( Available data allows to conduct comprehensive empirical analysis of state-business relations and empirically test many theoretical models.
- a PhD from an international research university in economics, government or public administration;
- a background in data analysis or theoretical modelling;
- ability to work in a team;
- strong quantitative skills, ability to carry out research using Stata/R/Python or similar software to meet standards of academic journals;
- submission of at least one working paper per year to HSE working papers series (;
- full-time research with at least two presentations of results during the year;
- peer-reviewed publications, working papers or a job market paper in the field will be a strong advantage;
- knowledge of Russian is appreciated, but is not required.
General conditions for Post-Doctoral Research positions can be found here. Appointments will be normally made for one year.
A CV and research statement should be submitted via online application form while two letters of recommendation should be submitted by the referees directly to by February 15, 2019. Please note that direct applications to the Center may not be reviewed.
About HSE
HSE is a young, dynamic, fast-growing Russian research university providing unique research opportunities. For more information about HSE, please visit: International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID)
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