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The Faculty of Mathematics

The Faculty of Mathematics at National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow, Russia, invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Physics.

The job involves:

  • joining one of our research groups within the department or the associated laboratories (see below) in performing high-quality research;
  • pursuing independent research in Mathematics or Mathematical Physics in parallel with working on joint projects with faculty members and researchers of HSE
  • writing research papers for international peer-reviewed journals
  • participation in organization of the events and other contribution to the development of Mathematics Faculty and the associated laboratories
  • public presentations of candidate’s own research to the researchers in the field and the broader academic community
  • some teaching is encouraged, though not required.
  • a PhD (or equivalent, including Russian Candidate of Science degree) from a research university in such fields as: Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science
  • a strong background and an established research record in Mathematics or Mathematical Physics
  • ability to work in a team
  • fluent English.

General conditions for Post-Doctoral Research positions can be found here. Appointments will be normally made for one year, with a possibility of extension for the second year upon evaluation.

CV and a research statement should be submitted directly via online application form. Please also arrange for at least 2 letters of reference to be sent directly to fellowship@hse.ru. Direct applications to the Faculty of Mathematics may not be reviewed. Applications received on or before December 15 will be considered first. Applications received after that date may also be considered subject to availability of positions.

About HSE

HSE is a young, dynamic, fast-growing Russian research university providing unique research opportunities.

About the Faculty of Mathematics

The Faculty of Mathematics was opened in 2008. Since then, it has become a leading place in Russia for attracting researchers in Mathematics and mathematical students. The Faculty has Bachelors, Masters and Ph.D. programs in Mathematics. It collaborates with the Steklov Mathematical Institute, the Institute for Information Transmission Problems, and the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (world renowned research institutes). Jointly with the Independent University of Moscow, the Faculty publishes the Moscow Mathematical Journal and runs 'Math in Moscow', a “study abroad” program for North-American students. Among our faculty members are distinguished researchers, including 15 invited ICM speakers; we have the best concentration in Russia of highly motivated students majoring in mathematics.

Affiliated with the Faculty of Mathematics are the following international research units:

-        International Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry and its Applications
(AcademicSupervisor – F.Bogomolov)

-       HSE – Skoltech International Laboratory of Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics
(Academic Supervisor – A. Okounkov)

-       International Laboratory of Mirror Symmetry and Automorphic Forms
(Academic Supervisor – L. Katzarkov)

Apply now


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