Culture, Arts, Creative Industries, and Tourism Discussed at HSE University’s Conference in Perm
On October 20–22, the second International Conference on Experience Economy: Museum, Event, and Tourism Management was held at HSE University in Perm. Key talks were delivered by Andrea Rurale, the director of the Master’s in Arts Management and Administration at the Bocconi University School of Management, and Guillaume Tiberghien, University of Glasgow.

Dual PhD defence
Virtual PhD Thesis Defense By Zaruhi Hakobyan at HSE University Moscow and Univeristy of Luxembourg
IOE to Cooperate with Educational Testing Service
IOE is soon to sign a Memorandum of Cooperation with Educational Testing Service, the world’s largest private organization in educational measurement and testing. During their recent visit to ETS Headquarters in Princeton (New Jersey, USA), IOE experts Elena Kardanova and Tatjana Kanonire met with their ETS colleagues to map out the overall scope of the upcoming cooperation and to negotiate preliminary plans in a number of specific areas.