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Tag "professors"

Illustration for news: Paper of Eren Arbatli in European Economic Review

Paper of Eren Arbatli in European Economic Review

People of ICEF

Today, ICEF is proud to be academic home to over 20 international researchers with PhD degrees in economics, finance and social sciences, representing different countries and continents: Russia, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Ukraine, Argentina, Australia, and India. ICEF faculty members share their stories of joining the team for The HSE Look readers.

Cemal Eren Arbatlı, assistant professor at the Department of Theoretical Economics, has won the Armen Alchian award!

His joint paper with Güneş Gökmen (NES) entitled "Minorities and Long-Run Development: Persistence of Armenian and Greek Influence in Turkey" has won the best general interest paper award at the Armenian Economic Association annual conference.