Pietro Annanias Shakarian on Armenian Studies in St. Petersburg
On 20 July 2024, Pietro A. Shakarian, postdoctoral fellow at the Centre for Historical Research at HSE in Petersburg, presented at the International Armenological Congress at the Matenadaran in Yerevan. Dr. Shakarian’s talk was entitled “From St. Petersburg to Syunik: Advancing Armenian Studies in Russia’s Northern Capital”. The presentation explored the current state of historical-scientific studies related to Armenia and the Caucasus in St. Petersburg.

The scientists of the Center made presentations on the results of their research on superconductivity in complex multicomponent systems during the International Scientific Conference SUPERSTRIPES
The Superstripes 2024 Conference (Ischia, Italy, June 24-29, 2024) continued the successful tradition of international scientific meetings started by the first Stripes Conference, held in Rome in 1996. The event is dedicated to the growing interest of the international scientific community in the emergence of new phenomena related to complexity in quantum matter. The goal of Superstripes 2024 is to promote the development of science and scientific culture at the highest level and unite world scientific leaders in the field of new achievements in topical topics of the science of quantum complex matter.

Paper of Alexander Tarasov in Economic Theory
Congratulations to Alexander Tarasov, Head and Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Economics, on the publication of his paper "Optimal income taxation under monopolistic competition " in Economic Theory.

‘Thinking Up Auctions Is Extremely Interesting’
Oleg Baranov is a graduate of Moscow State University, the New Economic School, and the University of Maryland. He also lectured and ran a popular course on market design at the University of Colorado. He recently passed review for a tenured position at HSE University, and served as the Head of the International Recruiting Committee at the Faculty of Economic Sciences in the 2022–2023 academic year. He will also begin teaching the course ‘Microeconomics 2’ on the HSE and NES Joint Programme in Economics in September 2023. In his interview, Oleg talks about auctions, studying for a PhD, and international recruiting.