ICEF Academia Welcomes New Cohort at Presentation Meeting
ICEF Academia offers its students advanced courses, research opportunities, access to scientific debate, and more in-depth training for academic careers. Its courses are taken alongside core curriculum. Presenting ICEF Academia to the new cohort of students were its leaders, teachers, and ICEF graduate Andrey Voronin, who shared his experience of gaining admission to PhD programme at UCLA (USA).
Student Tutor Gives Talk at ICEF on Cryptocurrencies and NFTs
Cryptocurrencies have fallen to two-year low after FTX exchange filed for bankruptcy in November 2022, sending shock waves through the crypto world and agitating investors to revise their strategies and predictions as to what will happen on the digital investment market. In her talk called Cryptocurrencies and NFT, Victoria Dobrynskaya explained the volatility of crypto markets and expanded on the phenomenon of NFT as a digital asset.
ICEF Held Thesis Defense Sessions for Its Master’s Cohort
Presented to the thesis committee was a total of 31 master’s theses. Of these, twenty-one were given excellent grades, with four scoring 10. The thesis committee had among its members professors of ICEF, NES and HSE. Here’s how the honours students prepared for their thesis defense, what drove their choice of topic and what they plan to do after graduation.
"Face-to-face interaction is irreplaceable in academia": HSE and NES teamed up for Microeconomics Workshop
On October 14, ICEF HSE, HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences, and NES hosted a one-day, multiple-session workshop that featured the research being conducted by their scientists. A live streamed event held offline, the workshop proved another confirmation that digital services can never replace face-to-face communication.