A new article "Quantitative Meta-analyses of Cognitive Abilities in Children With Pediatriconset Multiple Sclerosis"
The journal "Neuropsychology Review" Q1 published the article by Elena Lysenko, Maria Bogdanova and Marie Arsalidou "Quantitative Meta-analyses of Cognitive Abilities in Children With Pediatriconset Multiple Sclerosis".
Paper of Alexander Tarasov in Journal of Urban Economics
Congratulations to Alexander Tarasov, Head and Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Economics, on the publication of his paper "Trade and the spatial distribution of transport infrastructure" in the Journal of Urban Economics .
Poletayev Institute researchers' papers in Public History Weekly
Thematic issue titled Russian Historians and Public History is focused on discussing public history in Russia.
Paper of Mariya Teteryatnikova in American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
Congratulations to Mariya Teteryatnikova, Assistant professor of the Department of Theoretical Economics, on the publication of her paper "Income Differences, Productivity and Input-Output Networks" in the top-field journal "American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics"
How to Mitigate the Influence of Retail Investors on the Stock Market
Pasha Andreyanov, Assistant Professor in the Department of Theoretical Economics at HSE University and Tomasz Sadzik, Assistant Professor of Economics at University of California, have described a mechanism that allows the stock market to remain relatively calm despite the growing influence of retail investors. Their joint article, 'Robust Mechanism Design of Exchange', was published in the Review of Economic Studies, one of the top 5 academic journals in economics and finance.
An article by ICEF Assistant Professor Sofya Budanova on the manipulation of financial reports will be published in Management Science
Corporate financial statements can be quite subjective documents, because accounting rules are flexible and accountants often may use their discretion on how to report certain transactions. An article by ICEF Assistant Professor Sofya Budanova deals with this phenomenon.